Friday, 20 January 2012

signs in ent

Signs in ENT
*BATTLE SIGN- Bruising behind ear at mastoid region, due to petrous temporal bone# (middle fossa #).

*BOCCA'S SIGN - Absence of post cricoid crackle(Muir's crackle) in Carcinoma post. cricoid.

*BROWN SIGN - blanching of redness on increasing pressure more than systemic pressure see in glomus jugulare.

*BOYCE SIGN - Laryngocoele-Gurgling sound on compression of external laryngocoele with reduction of swelling.

*DODD’S SIGN/CRESCENT SIGN - X-ray finding-Crescent of air between the mass and posterior pharyngeal wall. positive in AC ployp. Negative in Angiofibroma

*FURSTENBERGERS SIGN-This is seen when nasopharyngeal cyst is communicating intracranially,there is enlargement of the cyst on crying and upon compression of jugular vein.

*HITSELBERGER'S SIGN - In Acoustic neuroma- loss of sensation in the ear canal suppllied by Arnold's nerve( branch of Vagus nerve to ear )

*HOLMAN MILLER SIGN, ANTRAL SIGN-it is seen in angiofibroma,the tumor pushes forward on the posterior wall of the maxillary sinus..

*HONDOUSA SIGN--X-ray finding in Angiofibroma, indicating infratemporal fossa involvement characterised by widening of gap between ramus of mandible and maxillary body.

*HENNEBERT SIGN- false fistula sign( cong.syphilis, Meniere's,)

*IRWIN MOORE’S SIGN-------- positive squeeze test in chronic tonsillitis

*LIGHT HOUSE SIGN--- seeping out of secretions in acute OTITIS media

*LYRE'S SIGN - splaying of carotid vessels in carotid body tumor

*MILIAN’S EAR SIGN- Erysipelas can spread to pinna(cuticular affection), where as cellulitis cannot.

*PHELP'S SIGN - loss of crust of bone between carotid canal and jugular canal in glomus jugulare

*RACOON SIGN-Indicate subgaleal hemorrhage,and not necessarly base of skull #

*STEEPLE SIGN- X-ray finding in Acute Laryngo tracheo bronchitis

*STANKIEWICK'S SIGN - indicate orbital injury during FESS. fat protrudes into nasal cavity on compression of eye ball from ouside

*THUMB SIGN --X-ray finding A/c epiglottitis

*TRAGUS SIGN- EXTERNAL OTITIS , Pain on pressing Tragus *TEA POT SIGN is seen in CSF rhinorrhoea..

*WOODS SIGN----- palpable jugulodigastric lymphnodes.

Thursday, 29 December 2011

D.D of ST segment elevation in ECG

ST elevation causes in ECG-
E lectrolytes
E arly repolarization
V entricular hypertrophy
A neurysm
T reatment (eg pericardiocentesis)
I njury (AMI, contusion)
O sborne waves (hypothermia)
N on-occlusive vasospasm

Monday, 5 December 2011

Complications of Sickle cell disease...

Complications of Sickle cell disease...

S....Strokes/ Swelling of hands and feet/ Spleen problems
I.....Infections/ Infarctions
C....Crises (painful, sequestration, aplastic)/ Cholelithiasis/ Chest syndrome/Chronic hemolysis/ Cardiac problems
K....Kidney disease
L....Liver disease/ Lung problems
E...Erection (priapism)/ Eye problems (retinopathy)

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Mnemonic for causes of secondary amyloidosis

Mnemonic for causes of secondary amyloidosis is :


A – Ankylosing spondylitis; Arthritis – rheumatic and psoriatic
R – Renal cell carcinoma
T – Tuberculosis
H – Hodgkin’s disease
R – Reiter’s syndrome
O – Osteomyelitis
S – Sjogren’s syndrome
C – Chronic infections
O – Others (bronchiectasis, leprosy)
P – Paraplegia with infection
E – Enteritis – region

Saturday, 19 November 2011



H - Hilar Adenopathy: TB, Sarcoid
O - Occupational: Singer...
A - Aneurysm
R - Rheumatoid Arthritis
S - SLE Ulceration
E - Edema of the Vocal Cords
N - Neoplasm of the Vocal Cords or lung
E - Endocrine: Hypothyroid
S - Sjogrens: Salivary Deficiency
S - Syphilitic/TB Ulcer on cord

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Take a look in the sinus bradycardia!!!

Sinus bradycardia: aetiology

"SINUS BRADICARDIA" (sinus bradycardia):


Infections (myocarditis)

Neap thyroid (hypothyroid)

Unconsciousness (vasovagal syncope)

Subnormal temperatures (hypothermia)

Biliary obstruction

Raised CO2 (hypercapnia)


Deficient blood sugar (hypoglycemia)

Imbalance of electrolytes

Cushing's reflex (raised ICP)


Rx (drugs, such as high-dose atropine)

Deep anaesthesia

Ischemic heart disease


Fashion necessity or devastating!!!!!!!

A Fashion is not needed over Your Health !

Don't wear such High Heeled shoes. It can cause Joint dislocation,Fracture,Planter Facititis,
Joint pain,Discomfort walk..

X-Ray of foot in high heeled shoe! - Beyond every postural deviation/compensation that must happen above, just look at the physical stress that is placed on the metatarsophalangeal joints! It is sad to see what people do to themselves in the name of fashion.