Thursday, 29 December 2011

D.D of ST segment elevation in ECG

ST elevation causes in ECG-
E lectrolytes
E arly repolarization
V entricular hypertrophy
A neurysm
T reatment (eg pericardiocentesis)
I njury (AMI, contusion)
O sborne waves (hypothermia)
N on-occlusive vasospasm

Monday, 5 December 2011

Complications of Sickle cell disease...

Complications of Sickle cell disease...

S....Strokes/ Swelling of hands and feet/ Spleen problems
I.....Infections/ Infarctions
C....Crises (painful, sequestration, aplastic)/ Cholelithiasis/ Chest syndrome/Chronic hemolysis/ Cardiac problems
K....Kidney disease
L....Liver disease/ Lung problems
E...Erection (priapism)/ Eye problems (retinopathy)