Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Classical triads

Triads are classic diagnostic criteria made of 3 main features for many diseases : here are some of them:

There are 2 Charcot triads:
Charcot's triad of cholangitis:
1. jaundice
2. fever and chills
3. abdominal pain
Charcot's triad of multiple sclerosis:
1. nystagmus
2. intention tremor
3. scanning speech
Virchow's triad of deep venous thrombosis:
1. venous stasis
2. endothelial damage
3. hypercoagulable state
Beck's triad of cardiac tamponade:
1. hypotension
2. muffled heart sounds
3. distended neck veins
Hutchinson's triad of congenital syphilis:
1. keratitis
2. deafness
3. tooth abnormalities
Whipple's triad of insulinoma:
1. hypoglycemic symptoms produced by fasting
2. blood glucose below 50 mg/dL during symptomatic episodes
3. relief of symptoms by intravenous administration of glucose
Wernicke's triad of Wernicke's syndrome:
1. ataxia
2. confusion
3. ophthalmoplegia
Cushing's triad of increased intracranial pressure:
1. bradycardia
2. respiratory irregularity
3. increasing blood pressure
Quincke's triad of hemobilia:
1. Jaundice
2. Biliary Colic
3. GI Bleeding
Auscultatory Triad of Mitral Stenosis
1. increased first heart sound
2. opening snap
3. apical diastolic rumble
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome triad
1. Oliguria
2. Elevated peak airway pressures
3.Elevated intra-abdominal pressure.
"Meltzer's triad" (purpura, arthralgia and myalgia )
Zollinger–Ellison syndrome is a ''triad'' of gastric acid hypersecretion, severe peptic ulceration, and non-beta cell islet tumor of pancreas (gastrinoma)
Classical triad of NPH(Normal pressure hydrocephalus)
Remember DUA...(as u pray to god)
Urinary incontinence

Vogt's triad in post congestive glaucoma
-semi dilated non-reacting pupil
-patches of iris atrophy

plummer vinson syndrome triad of dysphagia ( due to eosophageal webs) , glossitis and iron deficiency anaemia

triad of addisons - hhpoglycemia,hyponatremia and hypotension

carney's triad --
1.extra adrenal paraganglionomas
2.pulmonary chondromas 

ich's triad -for rubells- pda,catatact and sensori neural deafness

triad of behcets disease - oral ulcers,genital ulcers and ant.uveitis

reiter's syndrome - arthritis , urethritis and conjunctivitis.

Terrible triad of O 'DONOGHUE . . injury to ACL , medial meniscus and medial collateral ligament of knee joint . . also called as blown knee

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